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Devizno plaćanje – Indija – šifre plaćanja

Purpose CodesPurpose code DescriptionNature of transactions
P0102Realisation of export bills (in respect of goods) sent
on collection (full invoice value) – Other than Nepal
and Bhutan
Rule : Beneficiary is based out of India and is a
manufacturer of goods. The Remitter (based
overseas) has purchased those goods and is now is
paying the beneficiary. This transaction is towards
actual EXPORT of goods. Invoice is raised by
Beneficiary and the Remitter is paying against the
said invoice.Exception : Transaction under this
purpose code is processable provided value of
transaction is upto EUR/USD 25000 and remittance
information does not have other keywords like
advance, percentage, part payment etc
P1301Inward remittance from Indian non-residents
towards family maintenance and savings
Rule : Beneficiary should be Individual The funds are
transferred for taking care of the family needs in
India. Transactions are largely in following
categories :- Funds transferred to relatives (Parents,
Spouse, Children, Sibling) for living expense Or for
family savings- Transfer from Family Trust for living
expense- Self Transfer from own overseas a/c to
resident account in India- Account closure proceeds
of an overseas account maintained by the
Beneficiary into his resident account
P1302Personal giftsRule : Beneficiary should be is individual and the
money should be for personal gift of Beneficiary and
strictly not meant for further distribution/onward
charity. Transactions for donation or charitable
purpose will not be processed.Following are the
transactions which can be processed under this POR
Gift for wedding, birthday, festival of Beneficiary
or family member
P1401Compensation of employeesRule : Beneficiary should be is individual and the
remitter should be his/her employerTransactions
are largely in following categories :* Salary, Payroll,
Wages, Remuneration* Monthly Compensation*
Bonus, Leave salary* Reimbursement of expense to
employee* Retirement pay* Stipend payment*
Director fees* End of Service Pay (including
P0801Hardware consultancy / implementationBeneficiary has provided any
work/services/consultancy related to computer
P0802Software consultancy / implementation (other than
those covered in SOFTEX form)
Rule : Beneficiary has provided any work related to
software/programmingTransactions are largely in
following categories :* Software consultancy* App
Development* Work related to website*
Robotics/AI/Machine Learning/SAP* Web
Programming* Coding work* Graphic
P0803Data base, data processing chargeRule : Beneficiary has provided any work related to
data creation or data refinement or any work on
languageRule : Transactions are largely in following
categories :* Data entry work / data processing*
Translation Services* Transcription services*
Language services
P0804Repair and maintenance of computer/softwareRule : Beneficiary has provided any work related to
repair, upkeep, maintenance of PC/softwareRule :
Transactions are largely in following categories :*
AMC of computer or software program* Repairs of
PC* Bug fixing
P0805Services News AgencyRule : Beneficiary has provided any services for
News Article Or News ProgramRule : The remitter is
ideally a news channel or a media house or news
paper publication or news agency service provider.
News Agency Services may be referred as agencies
who collect, gather and distribute it to othersRule :
Transactions are largely in following categories :*
Services of news agencies to other channels/media
house* Journalist/freelancer who write news
articles* Journalist/freelancer who are updating
news blog* Journalist/freelancer who are providing
content for any news program* Participation fees
for news talk show/discussion forum* Services of
News Presenters, Crew members of the news media
P1004Legal servicesRule : Beneficiary is a lawyer or a law firm or a
company secretaryTransactions are largely in
following categories :* Court hearing charges*
Consultation payment for any legal matter or
company law matters* Preparation of legal docs or
contractual papers or agreement
P1005Accounting, auditing, book keeping servicesRule : Beneficiary is a Chartered Accountant,
Chartered Accounting Firm, Audit Firm, Accountant,
Book Keeping Services Provider or Accountancy
FirmTransactions are largely in following categories
:* Fees for audit (Financial or Tax Audit)* Charges
for making books of accounts, balance sheet, cash
flow or financial statements
P1006Business and management consultancy and public
relations services
Rule : Beneficiary is a consultant/ free lancer and
provides professional service/business consultancy
P1007Advertising, trade fairRule : Beneficiary is into advertisement and
promotional servicesRule : Transaction is towards
the following : * Advertising services* Promotional
services* Social media promotion* Digital or
internet revenue – Facebook, Meta, Google,
YouTube etc.* Brand promotion activities*
Sales/Marketing campaign * Ad Revenue*
Exhibition services including booth services*
Campaign services : Digital or Physical
P1014Engineering servicesRule : Beneficiary is an engineer, engineering
consultant/firmRule : Transactions are largely in
following categories of services:* Payment for
services on engineering projects* Payment for
services rendered on site work / engineering plants
/ pipeline work / drilling work* Payment for services
rendered on structural setups/structural
inspections* Payment for services rendered on
machinery installations
P1015Tax consultingRule : Beneficiary is a tax consultant or provides
services for filing returnRule : Transactions are
largely in following categories* Payment for services
of filing tax return* Payment for services of tax
consultation* Payment of tax to Consultant for
onward deposit to tax authorities
P1016Market Research & public opinion pollRule : Beneficiary is a marketing consultant or
provides services for survey/opinion pollRule :
Transactions are largely in following categories*
Payment for market research* Marketing
consultation* Conducting opinion poll* Conducting
P1017Publishing and printingRule : Beneficiary is either an AUTHOR or a WRITER
COPYWRITERRule : Transactions are largely in
following categories* Payment for writing articles,
books, blogs, journals, magazines, content*
Payment for printing/publishing or designing the
content* Payment for proof reading or editing the
content* Payment for photography* Payment for
copywriter services
P1107Educational services (e.g. fees received for
correspondence courses offered to non-resident by
Indian institutions)
Rule : Beneficiary is into education or training field
(a) Teacher (b) Trainer (c) Educational Institute like
college, school, university, coaching institute (d)
Tuition services (e) Online learning/interactive
learning platforms (f) Digital or Paper based
curriculum provider. Please note that the teaching is
not restricted to school or college related matter
but also involves art, music, specialized subjects
etc.Transactions are largely in following categories:
Fees paid to college, school, university (Including
boarding fees)* Payment to teachers, lecturers,
professors, coaches* Payment for tuitions* Payment
to Online Tutorials / Subscription fees for online
tutorials or education portals/apps* Payment for
coaching on specialized fields like : Language,
Dance, Music, Art etc.* Content preparation
(including PPT/digital content) for lectures and
P1108Health Service (Receipts on account of services
provided by Indian hospitals, doctors, nurses,
paramedical etc and or similar services rendered
remotely on-site)
Rule : Beneficiary is into health related services i.e.
(a) Doctor (b) Health expert (c) Fitness expert or
health institute (d) Hospital / Medical institute (e)
Medical arms like
Pathology/Radiology/Physiotherapy Institute (f)
Health & wellness centers like Naturopathy Centre,
Gym, Yoga Institute, Unani/Ayurveda Institute (g)
Yoga/Fitness/Well-ness coachesTransactions are
largely in following categories:* Online or regular
consultancy by a doctor* Conducting medical
seminar* Gym training, Yoga, ZUMBA, wellness and
fitness coaching* Hospital charges – consultancy,
operation, OPD, hospital stay etc.* Lab charges or
diagnostic charges* PHYSIOTHERAPY sessions*
Wellness camp/Course run by Naturopathy,
Ayurveda institutes etc
P0302Business travelRule : Beneficiary has to be into travel business OR
Travel Agent Or Ticket Booking Agent Or Tour Guide
Or Taxi Services OR Hotel business OR
Accommodation business
P0304, P0305 and P0306Other travel receipts

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